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terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2014

✶ Last Class: Time

We all complain about the lack of T I M E because humans have never been as busy as today. But what if you had time, what would you really like to do?

My list:
gym, massage, yoga, pilates 
dancing, walking, cooking
learn to play musical instruments, learn new languages
paint, read more, travel more often, go shopping, swimming 
visiting friends, relatives, do more surprises ... 

It's a huge list! Why is it so hard for us to have extra time, huh

What about you? What would you do if you had more time?

domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014

✶ Last Class: Predictions

Recently, we've been talking about the future. And to complete my homework, I'm making my predictions... about the  S U M M E R  T R E N D S   

The collections for warmer temperatures here in Brazil will faces and colors. And the nuance that you will arrive at the station everything is orange. 
The sunny days will become illuminated with cheerful looks that color can compose. To assemble the look, it does not exaggerate when it comes to orange. Find a color tone that matches your skin tone. 
If you prefer, coordinate the orange with the blue or black.

Light weight, soft and see-through materials will be dominating your wardrobes in this 

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

✶ Last Class: Feminism

Two hundred girls (from 10-16 year old) were kidnapped inside their own schools. There were two reasons for that. First, for a political territorial definition and second, to define who owns the bodies of those girls. This is a discussion that is running the world, because women can't take this situation anymore.
Feminism calls for equality, the end of the domination of one gender over another. Feminism is not the opposite of man sexism. That is a system of domination, and feminism is a struggle for equal rights.
So if you say "I'm not a feminist, I think everyone should be treated equally and have the same rights" you  are saying, actually: "I'm not a feminist, but I am a feminist." And if you say you are humanist, then you should know that humanism is a moral philosophy based on human reason and ethics, which places the individual above the supernatural and superstition and that has nothing to do with it.
Feminism doesn't fight against men, but against the system of domination, which previleges males and was created by men.

sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

✶ Last Class: F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Hey, people!

One of our last classes we watched an episode of FRIENDS. We looove that program!
So teacher took us to the English lab and we watched "The One With Rachel's Book". She asked us to write a briefing about the episode. And here it is:

Monica starts planning her wedding with Chandler and she's got a lot of magazines and crazy/expensive ideas to study for the party. To give them a little space, Phoebe moves to Ross' house. She brings her massage clients with her and Ross freaks out. Monica and Chandler go out with her parents and they say that  "Monica's wedding fund" were spent at their beach house. Chandler explains to Monica that they don't need such a huge party to be happy. She agrees.

Joey goes to take a nap at Rachel's house and founds a dirty book. He starts teasing her about it. Rachel's gets mad and scares him saying that she wants to have "rough sex" with him.

It was so funny! You should watch it too 


✶ Last Class: Meeting Denmark

¡Holla, chicos!

Some weeks ago we received a very nice guy at FURB: Albert Brincker Olson.
He is 16 and was born in Copenhagen - Denmark. He arrived in Brazil 3 or 4 months ago to study our country and is going home in June.
Albert told us what Denmark is like. Look at what we have learned:
His country is divided in four pars and his city is extremely cold. There are many attractive places to go, mainly related with the local architecture - which is very gothic.
People there are used to ride bikes and they almost don't use cars.
Copenhagen has a place called Tivoli Garden, which is a very colorful and famous park.
Denmark has also lots of night clubs. They drink their own beer, that is served since the vikings period.
The goverment is called Parliament and it follows the Socialist rules. It's leaded by the Royal Danish Family, and after them, the power is in the hands of the police and judges.
The coin there is called Kroner.
The main caracteristic of the Danish people is the "coconut model", which means a very hard shell that is difficult to open, but that has a soft filling inside of it. It means that the people there take time to open their houses and hearts to anyone, but when they meet a person very well, they are extremely friendly.

I asked him about what he is thinking about Brazil... and he is loving it! 
"It's a place to visit at least once in life!"

✶ Last Class: Being Green

Hey, everybody!

One of our last activities was to create a slogan and answer some questions about Sustainability and also discover some ways to reuse things we don't want anymore. 
This is what I got:

The future of green is yellow Let's keep our future green.

My company works with the "5 S Methodology" which is a list of 5 Japanese words that organize our workspace efficiently. That includes identifying and storing things we use and recycling what is no longer necessary. It is a very strict and helpful program.
Every coworker of mine uses his/her car to go to restaurant at midday. I think they could go with one car,  using fewer cars and wasting less gasoline. That would help traffic, environment and also their wallets.
At home, we recycle trash, separate the kitchen oil, turn off the lights and electronics when we are not using them. There are, probably,  a lot of other methods to help the environment, but we must discover them and create a green habit at home or at work. 

Objects around the house
How can we reuse them
Empty jars
Decoration; store biscuits, milk, seeds
Empty bottles
Vase to put flowers
Plastic bags
Take to the supermarket
Old papers and envelopes
Wrap presents, keep documents
Old egg cartoons
Give them to farmers, make toys
Old cans
Sell them; store pens, brushes
Old yogurt pots
Make toys; plant  seeds

✶ Last Class: Visiting a factory

Hi, lovers!

Last week we had to create a dialogue between a student and a works manager of a textile factory. We should answer some questions about exportations and salaries. Look what Sabrina and I have got:
S: Hello, I'm the manager at Clotherwell and my name is Sabrina. I'm going to show you our company and where you'll work (if you really like it).
D: Ok, very nice. Thank you for receiving me!
S: You are welcome. I'll reply all of your questions.
D: Oh, well... What does your factory produce actually?
S: We produce knitting lines and basic clothes. We sell it to Hering Co., for example.
D: How many people work here?
S: About 100. 70% are women.
D: Wow, it's a lot! And how much do they receive per month?
S: They receive around R$ 2000,00 + a lot of great benefits. That's your initial salary if you stay with us.
D: Great! And what about the exportation?
S: We import a few things from China and export mainly to Germany and France. 
D: That's very nice! I'm very interested in working here... When do I start?
S: Hm... What do you think about... Now?! Do you have all your documents?
D: Oh, that's amazing! Yes, I do! Thank you a lot! I´ll see you later, then!
S: You are welcome, dear.

Well, this is it.
Don't forget to leave your comments, please.


★ Nice to meet you! ★

Hey, guys!

My name is Daniele, 20, and I'm a brazilian student at FURB (www.furb.br). I'm the new secretary at Têxtil Farbe, which is a very nice textile company in my city.
This blog was created in my English/Spanish classes with the purpose to show you what we've been learning at the University, to stay in contact with other languages and, especially, to meet new friends around the world. 
Probably you will see some of the things that I love the most: desserts, make up and clothes, puppies and airplanes.
I really want you to leave your comments here and follow my blog. You are always welcome.

Nice to meet you!
